In the fifth specialized seminar of the UNESCO chair, it was raised:

Science Benefiting Society: the role of the right to science

14 June 2023 | 17:50 FCS News
The fifth specialized meeting of the UNESCO chair with the theme "Science in the service of society and the role of the right to access to science", with the aim of mobilizing the interdisciplinary expertise of the UNESCO network of universities in order to strengthen the implementation of this right to reduce inequalities and ensure sustainable development, with the presence of Ali Asghar Kia (Chairman); Kaveh Bazargan (responsible for the Communication and International Relations Committee) and Omid Mahdavifar(Executive Director of the UNESCO Science and Technology Communication Chair) was held on June 24, 1402 at "Allameh Tabatabai University" and virtually in Paris, France (UNESCO headquarters).
Science Benefiting Society: the role of the right to science

Held on 14 June 2023, this seminar continued the debate on human rights, focusing on the right to science.

Opening speaker Angela Mello, Director of the Research, Ethics and Inclusion Unit; Department of Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO" and the guest speakers: "Constantinos Tarares, Program Specialist, Law and Intercultural Dialogue of UNESCO"; "Helle Porsdam, professor of history and cultural law at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark"; "Kwadwo Apyagi Atua, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana"; "Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina" and "Monica Peloza, research associate professor and PhD candidate at the University of Lucerne and consultant of human rights on science", were as predictors of scientific diplomacy in Geneva, Switzerland.

Scientists and scientific knowledge have been widely praised for helping to combat disease and its consequences, discovering vaccines in record time, but also helping to keep our societies and the economy functioning. Yet, science’s full potential will remain untapped unless there is a steadfast commitment to a human rights-based approach, with the right to science at the centre. The need for such paradigm shift is reinforced inter alia by two worrisome trends: the persisting inequalities of  access to scientific knowledge and the applications of scientific progress; and the vicious circle of erosion of trust in science and infringements on scientific freedom and the safety of scientists. Such considerations underpinned the call of UNESCO Member States at the 216th session of the Organization’s Executive Board to strengthen the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (2017), an instrument that articulates a values-based vision of science.

The 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), celebrated throughout 2023, is a most appropriate opportunity to raise awareness about the pivotal right to share in scientific advancement and its benefits (article 27 para. 1, UDHR). UNESCO Chairs Seminar 5 will be an excellent opportunity to inform this important constituency of the Organization and to harness its potential for stronger implementation of this right. UNESCO Chairs, and the academic community more generally, have an invaluable contribution to make in further clarifying the content of the right to science, raising awareness and supporting the translation of scientific evidence into policies.

Last Update At : 13 July 2023